Dear colleagues and friends,
It is with great honor and enthusiasm that I welcome you to the National Oncology Congress, which will take place in November 2024. This event represents a unique opportunity for us to gather and share knowledge, experiences, and innovations in the fight against cancer. As the President of the Portuguese Oncology Society for the 2024-25 biennium, it is with immense pleasure that I share with you the four pillars that will guide this congress: innovation, excellence, leadership, and future.
Innovation will be our compass throughout this congress. Oncology is constantly evolving, with scientific and technological discoveries challenging us every day. This event will be a forum to present and discuss the latest innovations in cancer diagnosis and treatment. We aim to inspire and be inspired by new ideas that can transform the lives of our patients.
Leadership will be our path during this event. We are committed to being leaders in the scientific community and society at large. This congress will be a platform to strengthen our voice in shaping health policies, advocating for patients' rights, and educating the public about cancer. We intend to strengthen partnerships with other national and international entities to build a united front against this disease.
And finally, the future will be our inspiration. We look to the future with hope and determination. We believe that this congress will allow us to build a future where cancer is increasingly preventable, detectable, and treatable. We will invest in training the new generations of oncologists, ensuring they are prepared to face the challenges that the future holds.
I count on your support and active participation to turn these pillars into concrete achievements. Together, we have the capacity and responsibility to make a difference in the lives of thousands of people.
Welcome to the 21st National Oncology Congress 2024.
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Passos Coelho