Before submitting a scientific paper, we suggest that you carefully read the following regulations.
Papers must be submitted exclusively online through the website, requiring the creation of a user account in the “Submission of Papers” section. Accessed by password, account management is the sole responsibility of the applicant. In this reserved area, submission is done by completing an online data form.
Changes can be made as needed until the deadline for paper acceptance, on 30 September 2024 at 23:59, provided that the paper is submitted on the abstracts platform as a draft.
Acceptance of submitted papers will be communicated by email from 23 October 2024 and implies the subsequent registration of the first author or the author responsible for the presentation by the registration deadline of 31 October 2024, via the online system.
Candidates who benefit from Educational Grants SPO will be automatically registered for the Congress. Educational Grants are available to applicants who are trainees and young specialists (< 40 years) in the fields of Medical Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Radiotherapy, Medical Imaging, and Pathology. Applications will be open until 30 September 2024.
Interested candidates should consult the relevant regulations.
Abstracts must be submitted in both Portuguese and English and should be structured into 7 sections, with each language not exceeding 300 words in total and not more than 10 authors.
Note: In addition to these mandatory sections, you may submit 1 image, such as: a diagram explaining the methodology, a table with aggregated results, or a graph (formats supported and size indicated on the platform).
Clinical Cases should be structured into 4 sections:
They must be submitted in both Portuguese and English and should not exceed 250 words in each language, with no more than 5 authors.
Note that clinical case abstracts will not be eligible for oral communications, only for presentation in e-poster format and respective award.
Encore Abstracts refer to papers presented at other events organised by the pharmaceutical industry. Submission for evaluation of Encore abstracts at the 21st National Congress of Oncology is permitted under the following conditions:
4.1 The judging panels for the papers are appointed by the Organising Committee of the 21st National Congress of Oncology, which will evaluate them according to criteria applicable to all categories. Each category has an evaluation committee that will select up to 3 of the best abstracts per category for oral communication awards, which will be presented in dedicated sessions identified in the programme of the 21st National Congress of Oncology.
4.2 Submitted abstracts will be sent to the judges for blind evaluation. In this regard, papers will be excluded under the following conditions:
4.3 The judges' decisions are final, and there will be no possibility of appeal or exceptional requests.
The available categories that you should select at the time of submission are:
E-posters are to be displayed in the event area from 13 to 15 November 2024, corresponding to the duration of the 21st National Congress of Oncology.
E-posters submitted after the specified date will not be considered. E-posters will be organised according to their category and will be visited and evaluated by the evaluation committee of the respective category, with no defence of the e-poster expected. Inclusion of the e-poster in the National Congress of Oncology requires the subsequent registration of the first author or the author responsible for the paper by the registration deadline of 31 October 2024.
The judges will select the best papers for each Oral Communication session, respecting the distribution by categories. Oral presentations will take place on 13, 14, and 15 November 2024 in Room C, with the schedule to be announced later.
Distinctions will be awarded for each category at the end of the Congress. A monetary prize and a winner’s diploma will be awarded to the paper with the highest score in the oral communication or e-poster presentation in each area. The authors of the Best Papers will be invited at a later date to publish the full article in the Portuguese Journal of Oncology. The first authors of other oral communications will receive a diploma of oral communication presentation and will be offered registration for the 2025 National Congress of Oncology. Prizes cannot be combined.
A prize of 1000 euros will be awarded to the best communication in each category.
A prize of 500 euros will be awarded to the best communication in each category.
Any questions remaining after reading these regulations can be clarified via email at: or by phone: +351 969 220 165 or +351 239 702 200.